. . . knitting on the side
Things are better today.
I still am not happy but am deffinatly perkier today.
I went into a new yarn shop. It had A-LOT, HUGE amount of Crystal Palace yarns. I really like the colors of the Kid Merino but how is it to knit with?
Anyone tried it?
Knitting on a sock.
I figure I am at a pretty low point and that there should be a rise in the lows to bring me back up to a normal level.
could things get lower... They could but at that point I would be a numb mass of cold blob chilling on the floor.
Now really I am a fairly strong person. I am a happy person. I see good in the worst things...but I am not used to having to sustain crappy moments. My crappy crabby self is still here. I really want to do nothing.
I can't spin, I can't dye, and I can only knit for a little while. I realize these are not essential things for living but they are things I do to destress and calm down. With out them I am a little tight top with extra sarcasms to sling at you. I really mean that. Sonny even mentioned to my Mom how not myself I have been. She was going to toss me to them. Not that it will matter to much because without a car I have to rely on those with cars who don't have to be at work early in the morning. That only leaves my Mom. Everyone else has to be at between 7 and 10. So Until I buy a new car this is going to be cruddy. I love my family I don't like being the extra problem.
Plus just saying adjuster makes me irritated.
Who goes to the DR for fun? Who goes to the chiropractor for fun? Lady if I could just go back to normal I would be ecstatic.
I am in a funk!
I also might verbally attack you if you come within five feet of me and speak....or look at me in a certain way.
I am in a funk!
My normal nice self has left and only a crabby, grouchy, steaming, pissy Danielle is left.
Please just step over me.
This makes me feel better Profile Pic
Its an Oscar the grouch moment.
Only there is wool trapped in there. Can't you hear it yelling.....
Yarn: HELP...HELP. O knitter of my highest esteem won't thou bring me through this trying time.
Me: Yarn I don't know what to do. There is not a way to pry thy wooly self out.
Yarn: O Knitter I am fading fast. I am being absorbed by the toxins in this coffin.
Me: Yarn O yarn stay with me. Fight back those evil toxins and be free be whole. You are but a future sweater and stripy socks. O Yarn stay free. When thy is free we will be so happy together. Knit a future together.
Yarn: Knitter the time is near. My cone is being crushed my soft woolliness but a memory. Won't thou rescue me.
Next time on crushed in a trunk
Will Yarn be rescued by Knitter??? Will they be able to build a life together?
I am doing good...my car is very very sad. :(
I have all sorts of appointments and I still hurt.
Thanks for the thoughts.
I will be back in a minute.
It has been all around crappy day.
Esmerelda....my car....Someone rearended her.
This made me feel better
You Are 50% Weird |
![]() Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
Just for a little reminder....
Christine's Baby booties
Stripped baby booties
Baby mules
Bootie pattern
I am having a small comment issue.
I try and email all commenters or leave a little note on there blog.... but I am having a small issue with the comment thing... But I think it is all resolved. But if I missed you...I will be there is a second.
Back tack...pics of what I made in a second...
Knitting Arrows is my mystery SP from 4... I can't wait to see her new project.
I am still in love with the bag my SP sent me. IT is my new accessory. I want to take it with me everywhere. Its perfect for my projects. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
I have decided my one sock was yicky so I knit a new one that I like much better and am currently just over turning the heel on the second one. I suspect tomorrow there should be a pair. I want to make some booties with the rest. Any Bootie pattern you recommend?
One sock down. It is my attempt at self stripping yarn...erm I am close. It would strip really well if I had made the sock the right size.
The sock has issues. The sock is kindda ugly. But in a fun Pippi long stocking kind of way. The sock is also a little baggy in the ankle and a little short in the foot.
The sock needs to rest then it will transform into a better sock.
Side note
Whilst knitting on this sock at work there is a conference staying here. Not kids but adults of kids in college or adults of kids of kids in college.... People not of college age. They are locking themselves out and forgetting things more than any other group all summer. Out of 2,500 people this group of 100 is way worse and they are oldest people.
A secret unveiled.But they are secret no longer look at the most wonderful things. This bag is wonderful it is perfect. I can't stop touching it and taking it with me. It even has my little picture and my logo on it. There is a label on the inside to. I have a picture of it to but its kindda not so good. I will get another.
I have lots and lots to say but I don't have my blog going on today
so the short.
DONNI Rocks my BLUE toed feet to Australia and back. Pic later. Awesome, Stunning, Fabulous!
I was tagged for a meme but I need to gather something before I can finish it.
Donni Still rocks.
I met the Yarn Harlot ...Umm yeah I was a dolt. One of those meetings when you don't know what to say and for some reason put your knitting away. DUhhh I also forgot the camera. Aw struck. But I am in the picture she took. I am in the first group Portland shot on the right side. The round headed one in black.
Donni has me petting fiber.... and thinking of cool places to put those little turtles.
I started a new sock. I started the mystery shawl. I spun up the Silk from Faierladyfiber.
Pictures soon.
I am thinking about starting the mystery shawl. But the fiber is drying on the deck and really I should fold the laundry and find the doglets and get them to bed.
I am excited the yarn harlot is coming to town. Who will I see and who will I meet? Don't forget the camera....Anyone else going?
I am tired because we ran around today doing stuff. Its fun to do things together that normal one of us has to do on our own. That's what sucks about my new schedule. We have no days off the same and I don't go to bed until 0300. But I do get three days off in a row.
I heard there was a queer SNB in town other than the one at mabels. I am going to have to do a little more research to make sure it is still happening.
Queer Knitting stuff for sale from Sharon a fellow PDX QK. She is donating half to Human Rights. Its fun stuff.