Saturday, October 02, 2004

Opps a daisy

Secret pal I forgot the soap. I got soap lovely good smelling yummy soap. I also got a cute little glass dog charm too.

Hello new ROAK peeps.

Ok I am present shopping mode for my SPIII.

I also started my Irish Hiking scarf along scarf. I used the same pattern but On a smaller scale. I am using 5's and nice natural Pendleton wool. I am about six inches in. I will take it with me tomorrow to my knit group. Its pretty looking with my new stitch markers.

I had a busy week and I vant to go holm. That's the best I can do a scary voices written down.

But I did pick up some fun ROAK stuff to send out.

ON the life note. Sonny and I shaved poor Sebastian's neck. He now looks like a little lion. I went to the karoke/fundraiser and had a grand time listening to da wonderful singers. Most of them.....

Happy October!