Wednesday, September 01, 2004

O my head is spinning

I got a RAOK today.

It was happily hanging out in my email when I checked this afternoon. It is so perfect and makes my day light and happy and just the best. Many Many thanks go out to Plath.

Basking in a happy glow.

I found caramel Tea, Raspberry, and some blackberry. Yummy

Forward go the projects...

The necklace

and a closer look The bigger beads have painting on them to represent flowers and little green leaves. There is a center bead to hang from the center with a bigger flower. The black swallowed all the color.

is coming along slowly

Then we have the Table doily

Everything is going forward and soon I will have the necklace finished and will be moving on to the square swap... Must finish on time. But first I have to find in which box they are hiding.

The house is wonderful and I will be so happy to add a little splash of color to it.


Lisa said...

You're welcome :) Glad you liked your RAOK! >

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via a comment you left in mine [pssst...thanks! that was the first official comment that wasn't (a) someone I know in real life or (b) viagra spam] and just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE the color of the table doily (sp?). I'm not normally a big fan of lacy things, but it's fabulous.

-Meredith >