Monday, February 14, 2005

Cough Cough

Ricola is my friend this evening. Somehow I have managed to get a cough thingy. I would have just stayed in bed all day except I had a math quiz this morning so I went to school and if I was going to school might as well drag myself to work. But the the silly math quiz was put off till tomorrow. Pretty much I feel like I got jipped. Now I still have to go to school tomorrow.

But enough whining. I went to goodwill this weekend and had much fun because I found some great things. Some Kaffe Fasset books that I didn't have. From the 80's but I still like them. I felt good, then, I also found a afghan book with a great crochet sampler in it, a Vouge knitting book that had all types of patterns from babies to adults, and a Jan Messent book called Knit a fantasy story. It has all these fun patterns to make little fairies and trees and all sorts of cool little stuffed stuff.

I also found some lace weight wool on cones a great Rust color, Celdon, and white. Along with the wool cones came some Pink, green, and blue Orlon that is not so bad. There was three skiens of crochet cotton in white and two in cream. Plus two fun spools of crochet cotton with silver running through it. I also found some Cream Mohair from Italy...5 skiens.

So that is my 20.00 of goodwill shopping. I feel that I did good and now can look for lace weight patterns to knit me up something.

I am almost finished with my Second of three projects and the third is well on its way . I am guessing in three days I can start my socks. YEAH!

Then I need to finish the Lizards and the baby blanket then I can start a lace project. Because of course my fingers are itching to start a new one.


Anonymous said...

Hope the cough slides away. What 'lizards' are you knitting? >