Bun Puffs
Bun puffs remind me of Sharons cream buns Nov. 8th post.What is a bun puff you ask ......weeeeeeeeeeell.
Its what I have been calling the fiber I got from the Woolen Rabbit. Humor me. You tell me what they look like to you. I think they are mighty cute and very dreamy to the touch. Go look at her shop then drool.
The dandylion color is way more accurate on her site than mine. I love how these mixes shift and change colors. Opening this box was yummy because tucked in the folds of fluff was this....
What I am going to make with these I don't know. But I signed up for a spinning class for March. Tuesday nights 7-9 at Northwest Wools. Its exciting. I would have gone for a class this month but they were full.
Donni was talking about being in a funk and knitabulous about people not understanding crafting. Pertinent to me because I am in a funk and my crafting is getting in others way. Shrug shoulders and knit a bit more.
Rox seems to be in a funk too - maybe we all caught it via the Tribe! :) >
Rox seems to be in a funk too - maybe we all caught it via the Tribe! :) >
I lurve Kim's bun puffs. Almost makes me wish I could be bothered learning to use my spinning wheel! >
That looks pretty yummy! I almost wish I hadn't read your post today! Almost... >
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